Welcome to the Parks Master Plans website of the Glenview Park District!
The Glenview Park District continues to advance park improvements and planning goals defined in our Comprehensive Master Plan to maintain the high quality of park and recreation services for our community. Parks master plans are essential to provide a road map for the Park District on future improvements to the parks. The plans will consist of analyzing the current conditions and programming, connecting with the community, staff and stakeholders for input, prioritizing the data gathered and determining an implementation plan that will take into consideration funding and potential grant opportunities. |
Our main focus right now is improving Manor Park. Planning for Manor Park will include staff design collaboration meetings, community input sessions, and Park Board review. The timeline and funding for this park have not yet been determined. The Park District is currently seeking input to help with preliminary planning.
The Park District invites you to provide your input by attending community meetings. See the Meeting and Milestones tab for dates, times, and locations. |
Manor Park Located in between Elm Street and Lincoln Street with its closest major road being Shermer Road, this neighborhood park has baseball/softball fields, basketball court, playground, picnic areas, looped walking path, and a field house. |